Flask VS Django Python Framework: Which is Best ?

Flask VS Django Python Framework: Which is Best?

When it comes to Python frameworks, the developer has a lot to choose from. Due to the relative ease of interacting with various objects, and accessible language with a wide range of structures can be created.

As a result, you get a whole range of fully customizable frameworks that can make creating faster web applications faster and easier - or you can just stick with a small framework that will make a simple app a powerful force. What kind of framework do you need for your project, you'll probably find it.

Out of that sea of ​​possibilities, two methods are popular: Django and Flask. Over the years, they’ve both amassed quite the following, each for its reasons.

Of course, the fact of the matter seems to be that Flask is currently teasing Django in terms of popularity and overall usage, but that doesn't mean that it's another deliberate option that isn't good for everyone.

So let’s take a look at these two frameworks in detail — 

What makes them tick? What do they have in common? What makes them different?

There is a major difference that separates the two frameworks: Django is a full-stack Python web framework, and Flask is a lightweight type of framework. 

All of these integrations allow you to start your application development process faster.

Flask, on the other hand, may seem a little rocky at first, but it's because it's made more flexible first and foremost. Since it can come with a dozen features in the box, it won't slow you down - it's easy to use and gives you enough space to use your tools. It can easily adapt to your needs, giving you more control over the entire application development process.

Thanks to its streamlined approach, developers have an easy time making sure the app is original, simple and easy to deploy.

From a broader perspective, it is easy to see how valuable these two frameworks are. Flask is probably the best option if you're very focused on the process and ensures that your app can grow easily, as you have great control over all the stages and are allowed to decide how and when to communicate.

Django, on the other hand, is the best option for those who want to develop a more established app - what it loses in the flexibility that comes with predicting its processes.

Of course, there is more depth to how this varies. Although Django was released back in 2005, Flask has been around since 2010. While both are strongly reworked, these differences are evident in some of the features we cover below.

The main difference in the design philosophy behind Django and Flask is that Django is a box-of-the-box solution, however, adding features like an open canvas as you like. 

So, by default, the list of features used for Django is certainly very broad, including:

ORM (Object Relational Mapping), which supports many different relational databases including SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle and many more. Migration is supported for creating forms, views, and templates.

Authentication - Django comes equipped with authentication, including authorization, account management, and timely support.

An effective control panel that makes it easy to manage data with an intuitive UI.

Forms come packaged with Django by default — they can be created from data models, and they can handle various aspects of app development, including client and server-side validation, security tokens, cross-site request forgery, etc.
Flasks, though very personal, come with no features to talk about.

Most of all, it offers support for all the types of features listed above, but you have complete freedom in choosing your type of database, admin panel, authentification, etc.

You may also think that you don't need your process - with Flask, it's really up to you, which leads to the next hurdle.

It's easy to say that Flask is successful in flexibility before but think about it - because Django comes equipped with a whole range of features in the box, which means you can start developing your applications with ease after you get it.

This summarizes the process a lot, and it's important not to overlook that when discussing flexibility.

However, in the end, with Django, what you get at the start is all you’ll ever get. With Flask, you may have to rely on third-party solutions, but that means you can completely customize your experience to suit your needs.

This seamless blend, customized, makes Flask a great choice for beginners.

Django comes equipped with some powerful security features. It is protected from some common attacks, including CSRF, XSS, SQL injection, etc.

If you just look at how far these two are from each other out of the box, of course, that gives Django the edge - but it should be clear now that that's a fair test.

Django’s side, it’s enough to say that the protection it offers is sufficient in most cases.

With Flask, however, it’s important to note that the smaller code base works to its advantage from a security perspective, as that means fewer areas of the framework are open to attacks. 

Sure, you want to do some third-party security features to stay safe, but while this gives you more freedom in choosing how you want to protect yourself, you’ll make sure all your extensions are up to date.

If you know what you want to achieve in terms of app development it is easy to choose between Django and Flask. 
Django has everything you need to get started right away, but with all the options available from the start you can't be happier, while Flask is completely customizable, but might feel a bit empty if you don’t set out with a particular set of third-party features in mind.

However, you can be sure that you’ll have no problem figuring out what to do. Both Django and Flask have made it a priority to be accessible, it means that it’s not easier than ever before to get into app development and have the process be quick and smooth.