How To find Absolute value of a number in Python

How To find Absolute value of a number in Python

In this, we discuss how to find the Absolute value of a number using Python Programming.

abs () parameters

The abs () method takes the same argument:

num - The number to which the absolute value must be returned. The number can be:

Floating number
Complex number

Python Abs ()

Python program to find the absolute value of a number
The absolute value of the abs () number is integer, floating and complex number.

int = integer value is returned
For float = float value is returned
Complex = the magnitude of the number is returned

How To find Absolute value of a number in Python

Python Code:

int = -49
print("absolute value of integer is:", abs(int))
complex = 3-4j
print("absolute value of complex number is:", abs(complex))
float = -4.6
print("absolute value of float integer is:", abs(float))
absolute value of integer is: 49
absolute value of complex number is: 5.0
absolute value of float integer is: 4.6

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